Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Walking Desk

I am typing this while walking, very slowly, on my treadmill. Yipee! I am happy beyond all proportion. This guy, Dr. James Levine, gave me (and a gazillion other people) the idea when he appeared on 20/20 this summer. I made DH watch the segment with me, and steeled myself to fight for my right to walk and work/play at the same time. Turns out I did not have to fight at all - he was totally on board. We are both sick of being sick. So here I am, 3 months later... there are still wires hanging all over, but I am moving by behind instead of sitting on it! Plus I can watch videos or listen to music while I am really working out, instead of just facing a blank wall (it has been a long and boring 3 months). When we get all this junk organized, I will post some pictures.

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